The Core Model Induction
and Other Inner Model Theoretic Tools
and Other Inner Model Theoretic Tools
June 3rd to 14th, 2019 at Rutgers University
The meeting will consist of tutorials with a focus on discussions and
interactions among the participants. Some reading material is going to
be sent out to the participants prior to the meeting. The aim of the
tutorials is to introduce all participants to the necessary background
to pursue research using the core model induction technique. We
encourage all participants to stay one more week at Rutgers University
after the meeting for informal discussions and work groups.
Tutorials / thematic sessions on topics related to the core model induction will be held by Sandra Müller, Grigor Sargsyan, Nam Trang, Trevor Wilson and Martin Zeman. Moreover, there will be an additional tutorial by Omer Ben-Neria.
Details about the program can be found here.
The schedule can be found here.
Notes for some of the tutorials:
Core Model Induction by Nam TrangDeterminacy and Scales by Trevor Wilson, notes taken by James Holland
HOD Computations by Sandra Müller, notes taken by James Holland
Preprint by Nam Trang and Grigor Sargsyan, this is still in progress but the introduction is very relevant to this meeting

This workshop is aimed at advanced PhD students and young PostDocs working in inner model theory or related areas, but everyone interested in learning these techniques is welcome to attend. If you are interested in participating, please contact one of the organizers (see below). Support for travel and accommodation is available. Graduate students, young researchers, female mathematicians and members of underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply. See here for more information on how to apply for funding.
List of confirmed participants:
- Juan Aguilera (Technical University of Vienna)
- Omer Ben-Neria (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
- Douglas Blue (Harvard University)
- Justin Cavitt (Harvard University)
- William Chan (University of North Texas)
- Monroe Eskew (University of Vienna)
- Gabriel Fernandes (Bar-Ilan University)
- Gunter Fuchs (CUNY)
- Takehiko Gappo (Rutgers University)
- Victoria Gitman (CUNY)
- Elliot Glazer (Harvard University)
- Dan Hathaway (University of Vermont)
- Cecelia Higgins (Rutgers University)
- James Holland (Rutgers University)
- Sandra Müller (University of Vienna)
- Dan Sattrup Nielsen (University of Bristol)
- Brian Pinsky (Rutgers University)
- Grigor Sargsyan (Rutgers University)
- Noah Schoem (University of Illinois at Chicago)
- Benny Siskind (UC Berkeley)
- Nam Trang (University of North Texas)
- Bartosz Wcisło (University of Warsaw)
- Keith Weber (Rutgers University)
- Trevor Wilson (Miami University)
- Martin Zeman (UC Irvine)
If you have any questions, please contact the organizers: Sandra Müller and Grigor Sargsyan.